The Largest National Economies in the EU

Dec 26, 2017
Chart of largest national economies in the EU

The chart above shows the largest national economies in the EU.  Clearly, Western Europe dominates the EU with the top three economies all coming from the region and claiming four of the top six largest economies.


  • Germany is the largest economy by far in the Union accounting for just over one-fifth of the total GDP.
  • Germany, the United Kingdom, and France account for over half of the EU's GDP.
  • The smallest EU economy, Malta, accounts for just 0.07 percent of the total.


  • The data is from 2016.


Italy and Spain are the leading economies outside of Western Europe and the two together account for just under one-fifth of the total EU GDP.  Sweden and Poland lead northern and eastern Europe respectively.

The total GDP for the EU according to this data is €14,904,775,000,000.


Eurostat.  2017.  "Gross Domestic Product at Market Prices.  Accessed October 26, 2017.

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