Average Net Worth of Billionaires in EU States in 2018

Jan 11, 2019
Average Net Worth of Billionaires of Each EU State

The chart above shows the net worth of the billionaires of each state divided by the population of billionaires in said state.  Unlike the previous metric which measured the net worth of billionaires against the total population, this metric shows how wealth is distributed amongst the billionaires of every state.  French billionaires are the only ones in the EU to average out over $6 billion each.


  • The difference between the state with the highest average billionaire net worth, France, and the state with the lowest (that has billionaires), Hungary, is $6.91 billion.
  • France has 7.28 times the average billionaire net worth that Hungary does.
  • The median average net worth of billionaires in the 28 states is $2.46 billion and the mean $2.66 billion.
  • The median average net worth of billionaires in the 20 states that do have billionaires is $3.95 billion and the mean $3.72 billion.
  • Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, and Slovenia do not have a single billionaire.


  • Billionaire data is from 2018.
  • Population data is from 2011.
  • Figures are rounded to the nearest hundredth.


Germany which has the highest billionaire net worth overall, ranks fifth when its population is taken into account, and fifth in this metric.  The leader in the per capita metric, Cyprus, ranks 12th when it comes to total net worth of billionaires and 14th when it comes to the average net worth of its billionaires.

Of the six states whose billionaires have a total net worth of over $100 billion, France, Germany, and Spain rank first, second, and third, respectively and all three have an average net worth of over $4 billion.


Eurostat.  2017.  "Population on 1 January by Age Groups and Sex - Functional Urban Areas."  Accessed December 11, 2017.  http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=urb_lpop1&lang=en.

Forbes.  2018.  "The World's Billionaires List."  Accessed October 2, 2018.  https://www.forbes.com/billionaires/list/21/#version:static.

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