Oceanian Cities by Population of Urban Area

The chart above shows the population of each urban area with a population over 500,000. The urban areas have been normalized so as to avoid any inconsistencies with how cities and their metropolitan areas are defined by their governments. Each urban area has similar characteristics making this the definitive method with which to compare cities across various countries. All urban areas with over 500,000 people in Oceania are in Australia or New Zealand.
African Cities by Population of Urban Area

The chart above shows the population of each urban area with a population over 500,000. The urban areas have been normalized so as to avoid any inconsistencies with how cities and their metropolitan areas are defined by their governments. Each urban area has similar characteristics making this the definitive method with which to compare cities across various countries. Egypt has the largest urban area by population by far.
Asian Cities by Population of Urban Area

The chart above shows the population of each urban area with a population over 1,900,000 while the charts below show all urban areas with a population between 940,000 and 1,900,000, between 640,000 and 940,000 people, and between 500,000 and 640,000 people. The urban areas have been normalized so as to avoid any inconsistencies with how cities and their metropolitan areas are defined by their governments. Each urban area has similar characteristics making this the definitive method with which to compare cities across various countries. Tokyo has the largest population by far.
European Cities by Population of Urban Area

The chart above shows the population of each urban area with a population over 800,000 while the chart below shows all urban areas with a population between 500,000 and 800,000. The urban areas have been normalized so as to avoid any inconsistencies with how cities and their metropolitan areas are defined by their governments. Each urban area has similar characteristics making this the definitive method with which to compare cities across various countries. Russia has the largest urban area by far.
South American Cities by Population of Urban Area

The chart above shows the population of each urban area with a population over 500,000. The urban areas have been normalized so as to avoid any inconsistencies with how cities and their metropolitan areas are defined by their governments. Each urban area has similar characteristics making this the definitive method with which to compare cities across various countries. All urban areas over 10 million people in South America belong to either Argentina or Brazil.
North American Cities by Population of Urban Area

The chart above shows the population of each urban area with a population over 500,000. The urban areas have been normalized so as to avoid any inconsistencies with how cities and their metropolitan areas are defined by their governments. Each urban area has similar characteristics making this the definitive method with which to compare cities across various countries. The most populated cities in North America are Mexico City and New York City.
EU and US Cities by Population of Urban Area

The chart above shows the population of each urban area with a population over 1,000,000 while the chart below shows all urban areas with a population between 500,000 and 1,000,000. The urban areas have been normalized so as to avoid any inconsistencies with how cities and their metropolitan areas are defined by their governments. Each urban area has similar characteristics making this the definitive method with which to compare cities across various countries. New York and Los Angeles are by far the two largest cities.
US Cities by Population of Urban Area

The chart above shows the population of each urban area with a population over 500,000. The urban areas have been normalized so as to avoid any inconsistencies with how cities and their metropolitan areas are defined by their governments. Each urban area has similar characteristics making this the definitive method with which to compare cities across various countries. New York has the largest population in the US.
EU Cities by Population of Urban Area

The chart above shows the population of each urban area with a population over 500,000. The urban areas have been normalized so as to avoid any inconsistencies with how cities and their metropolitan areas are defined by their governments. Each urban area has similar characteristics making this the definitive method with which to compare cities across various countries. Paris has the largest population in the EU.
Oceanian Cities by Population Density of Urban Area

The chart above shows the population density of each urban area with a population of over 500,000. The urban areas have been normalized so as to avoid any inconsistencies with how cities and their metropolitan areas are defined by their governments. Each urban area has similar characteristics making this the definitive method with which to compare cities across various countries. All urban areas with over 500,000 people in Oceania belong to either Australia or New Zealand.